Thursday 10 March 2011

Potential photos, development 2

The above images are a few that i selected from all the pictures i took that i thought would work best within my music magazine. Like my previous images i had my model stand in different poses and where different outfits as it gives me a wider variety to choose the best suited image for my magazine. As the magazine is a music magazine i had my model standing with a microphone stand and a microphone as this would be iconic for the readers, it would let them know that the magazine is a music magazine without them having to pick it up and read through it to find out what type of magazine it is. In my full length pictures with the microphone stand my model is smiling/laughing which will show the reader that she enjoys singing and will look more inviting to the reader. I also took an image where my model is just wearing a bra and a studded waistcoat, therefore you can see part of her clevage which applies sex appeal which will appeal to my target audience of teenagers. When my model is wearing the multicoloured skirt she is also wearing blue heels and has a microphone with blue on it which matches the shoes and skirt, whereas when my model is wearing the red skirt she is holding a microphone with red on it, so there is a link between it all throughout. I also have my model in casual clothing, sat on a bright green beanbag playing with ballons, this shows the reader that she can have fun and is quite down to earth, as some people have their opinion that some singers are 'stuck up' so to say and wouldn't really want to do that, but if she is it will make the audience feel like they can connect to her which will be a good selling point.

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