Thursday 25 November 2010

Analysis 2 of contents page.

This a 'NME' contents page. The contents page, unlike some other magazines, doesn't always follow the house style of the front cover as the front cover varies the colour scheme, however the contents page always stays the same and follows the house style of the website

The colours on this contents page are red, black, white and a bit of yellow. The connotations for these colours are;

RED: It is associated with energy, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is used to indicate courage. Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect color for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites. It is also associated with willpower, leadership and courage.

BLACK: Is associated with power, elegance, formality and mystery. Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth. Black contrasts well with bright colors. Combined with red or orange – other very powerful colors.

WHITE: Is associated with light, goodness, innocence and purity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. White can represent a successful beginning. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products.

YELLOW: It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
Yellow produces a warming effect and arouses cheerfulness. Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color. When overused, yellow may have a disturbing effect.

The masthead of the magazine 'NME' is also on the contents page and is placed in the top left hand corner of the page where it is placed on the front cover, it is following the house style of red, black and white which is also the colour scheme on the website. The masthead is red with a white border around it. There is also a date that is placed just underneath the contents heading at the top right hand corner of the page.

Underneath the masthead on the left hand side of the page there is a long red box with the word 'Band Index' in capital white letters, and then listed underneath this is a list a bands, the listed bands are in black text highlighted by a white background, which is highlighted by the red box. On the right hand side of the page there are five oer headings in big, white bold text that is highlighted by a black box. The first one is 'NEWS' and underneath there is a a few brief descriptions of news that will be in the magazine. Then there is 'RADAR', and 'REVIEWS' that will be a regular. After this is 'LIVE!' which may be about what music acts you can see live ad then underneath this is 'FEATURES' which is features and new each issue. There is  a brief description underneath the article headings for the features and there will be page numbers next to it so you know what page to go to for the feature you want to read about. Further down the page there is some red text that says 'PLUS' which will be adding more information, and then a red box with white text in it about 'UKs no.1 gig guide' and then page it starts on.

There are two main images that will be the main feature of the magazine, both the shot are mid shot as you can't see their full bodies and can only see up to their knees. The images are similar and are of two different people in the same band singing and one is also playing the guitar. They are dressed quite similar and you can see that they are doing a concert as you can see that they are performing on a stage. You can tell that these images are based around the main story as there is a short paragraph with the heading above it saying '...Oasis kicked off their world tour' so the paragraph will just be there the attract the attention of the readers and so they'll read it and then will want to know more and therefore will read on.

Underneath this there is a big black box with a few images of other issues of their magazine and next to it in big, bold, yellow letters saying 'SUBSCRIBE TODAY' and in a smaller but the same style is says 'SAVE 33%'. Underneath the magazine images there is small white text which will be telling the readers how they can subscribe today, and the cost of the magazines.

I believe that this is a good use of space and it contains all the useful information that you would expect from a contents page without it looking too cramped and tight together.

Camera Angles
The camera is in a similar angle for both the main images, as they are facing at the side of each of the band members face, so your seeing them from their right side. It is a mid shot photo for both the images, as you can only see up to their knees on the photo. Both the people are stood on an angle, looking away from the camera as they look as though they are at a concert which would link with the story underneath the images.
The music magazine's iconic music masthead 'NME' is also present on the contents page in the same place that it is on the front cover. It is placed at top left hand corner of the page as you normally read from left to right so this makes it easier for the readers to read. The suitable images for the magazine are also present on the contents page as well as suitable images being on the front cover,so that when the readers open the contents page they also know that it is a music magazine. Related music information is also present on the contents page to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around, and they know what is featured. The fonts and colours used that suit their target audience and makes it more presentable to their audience, 'NME' has used big bold fonts that are bright and stand out more to the audience and the front cover and the font and colours have been consistent on the contents as well. They have regulars and features like contents pages normally do. The features are clearly visible as they have a title above them highlighted in a black with a white text, this contrast well and underneath the heading the features are listed . It is the same for the regulars as well as underneath the list of features the regulars heading and list is underneath, in the same layout.

The magazine is called 'NME' magazine and the publishing house for this magazine is IPC Media and is based in the United Kingdom.

'NME' stands for enemy,  this could be looked at as enemy of other music magazine, other music acts and other music genres. The magazine is normal paper and therefore shouldn't cost a lot. In the main images both the band member are dressed in a similar way so they look as a unit.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 20+ years as the style of the magazine would suit that age range and the acts that are present in the magazine are well known by those ages. Also as the magazine is just paper and nothing really expensive like photo paper it won't cost so much and so that age range will be able to afford it, since it costs £2.20.
The magazine is aimed at both women and men as the magazine's colour scheme relates to both sexes,also both men and female will be fans of the acts and the magazine's music genre.
Social Class
The social class that would buy this magazine would be from lower middle class upwards to upper middle class as they earn enough money to be able to afford the magazine every week or month.

The contents page also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can see that it is to do with music as there are reviews, features and regulars on music, also main images of a music band. It also connects to the target audience because the target audience will be fans of the band featured and regular readers will still buy.

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