Wednesday 3 November 2010


Language: Camrea, angles, colour codes, conventions, layout-'splash' (front page image), house style (consistant look/style)

Institution: Q magazine, NME- publish IPC, MIXMAG, publisher of magazine, EMAP, find out what the publishing houses publish.

Ideology: Moral, values, message, NME-'new music express'-trade line, 'express'=gets to you fast. NME also sounds like enemy, which links to the enemy of main stream music- message and value and connotation of masthead. Q- quality, costs more, quality music, Paul McCartney on the front page, name in gold, only showing his eyes which means you don't need to see his face to know who it is.  Aspirational.
Synergy- different aspects of media help promote each other.

Audience: Age, gender, type, target audience, social class;
A-upper middle class (lawyers, accounters)
B-middle class (engineers, teachers, mid management)
C1-lower middle class (police officers, nurses)
C2-skilled working class (plumber, brickey)
D-working class (manual workers, appretices)
E-under class (casual labours, state pensioners, students)

Representation: Not only music inside but aspect of target audience, front cover should connect with music genre and target audience.

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