Wednesday 10 November 2010

Analysis 1 of magazine cover.

This is a double sided front cover, U2 are in the 'red corner' and the MUSE are in the 'blue corner'.

One side of the front cover has the group MUSE on it, two of the band members are stood further back than the main band member. They are facing inwards with their feet apart and looking towards the camera and making eye contact with the audience. The main band member who it further forwards is stood on an angle also with his feet slightly apart and looking towards the camera making eye contact. The camera shot is a wide shot so that you are able to see everybody that is meant to be in the camera shot. They are all dressed smart to mirror the masthead of the magazine Q, Q could be interpreted as quality which means that MUSE produce quality music and that they dress in quality clothes so it all links in with the magazine masthead, however the band's music genre is also considered and portrayed in some of the clothing items this is too show their music genre a bit better. The text on the MUSE'S cover is in black apart from the more important parts that are in white and highlighted by being in a blue box, or for example the number 50 and the + sign is in blue writing with white text underneath. On the cover it lists the '50 acts you must see at Glastonbury' this is to attract the attention of music lovers and those who are going to Glastonbury. It has a quote and a story featured on it to get to readers attention and intrigued to more, as they only have a snippet of the story, they are left in a cliff hanger. There is also a quote from the band saying "we'll be the first band in space!" The masthead is in the top left hand corner and the band's name is in big white capital letters with the words 'in the blue corner...' above it, it is also in a blue box with white text, the light in the background is slightly blue tinted to emphasis the colour more.

On the other side of the magazine front cover is U2. This page seems to contain the same amount of information and similar features. The main image is different from the MUSE'S as there is four band members and so it can be more symmetrical, but with that you still notice who is the main band member, as one band member is stood the furthest back and then another member is slightly in front and they are at the same level and distance from the camera and are stood in a similar position. The other member is stood closer upstage with their body facing outwards but is still looking directly at the camera, and the clear main band member is closest to the camera with his sunglasses on whereas the other band members are not wearing any glasses, and is also wearing a leather jacket as well as a top, with a much stronger body position with his thumbs in his pockets. This is also a wide shot so that all members are seen within the shot. U2 are a little more dressed down then what the MUSE were they look more rock with the black and leather jackets, also with the main band member wearing sunglasses it gives a stronger sense of rock whereas MUSE portrayed a stronger sense punk, even though both bands produce the same music genre. There is less black text on the U2 cover as there was on the MUSE cover. However there is still white text that is surrounded by the colour red to give a sense of two different sides, MUSE vs. U2. U2's cover also feature the '50 acts you must see at Glastonbury', but list different acts to the MUSE cover. They also feature a different story that is brand new to the music magazine and have a quote from U2 "we're still more potent than is legal", and then masthead is in the top left hand corner and the band's name is next to it with the text 'in the red corner' which is also in white writing but with a red box around it, above it. The main picture also has a tint a red light upon it.

Both magazine covers are similar to the way they have being set out and what is presented on it. The covers have being presented as U2.vs.MUSE  especially as they have but the different text and light colours, also it is immediately obvious when you read the words 'in the red corner' and 'in the blue corner'. Also how each one has said a quote, and those quotes are as if they are trying to beat the opposing band. If you open out the two front covers it looks as though they are standing back to back. Q magazine may have done the two covers within one magazine so that they attract twice as many readers and they gain the attention of U2 and MUSE fans.

Camera Angles
The camera is in the same position for both the 'MUSE' and 'U2' front, the groups are stood on different angles. For the 'U2' cover they have mainly used the colour red, the connotation for this colour is that it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions, also items related to sports and high physical activity. However for the 'MUSE' cover they have mainly used the colour blue and the connotation for that is that it is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom and confidence, Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity. It is opposed to emotionally warm colors like red, orange, and yellow; blue is linked to consciousness and intellect. So all these connotations link well with what the theme is of 'U2' vs 'MUSE', red and blue are opposed to each other and so are the music bands.  
The music magazine is iconic music masthead 'Q' as this could stand for quality music and this is placed at the top left hand corner of the front cover. Images that are suitable for the magazine (bands, artists etc) this lets the reader know that the magazine they are looking at is related to music, this is why 'Q' have 'MUSE' and 'U2' on their front cover. Related music information to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around, this magazine has used the acts that are going to Glastonbury. The fonts and colours used that suit their target audience and makes it ore presentable to their audience, 'Q' has used big bold fonts that are bright and stand out more to the audience.

The magazine is called 'Q' magazine and the publishing house for this magazine is Bauer Media Group which is a large German publishing company based in Hamburg.

'Q' could stand for quality, and quality music therefore it would cost more than most music magazines as the paper of the magazine is like photo paper rather than just normal printing paper. It also stands for 'q the music' meaning 'queue the music' which insinuates start the music. On the front of this two sided front cover is the 'MUSE' and 'U2' facing in opposite directions, are dressed in a similar way and creating the same genre of music, so it is like they are VS. each other, young vs older, blue vs red etc. The synergy works well here by 'U2' and 'MUSE' promoting each other in a way.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 30+ years as you would have to know who the acts are in the magazine to want to buy it and that age range would know the majority of the acts.  You also know that the magazine is aimed at that age range as the magazine costs £3.99 therefore people of a younger generation wouldn't be able to afford that amount of money for a magazine.
The magazine is aimed at both women and men as they have used red and blue as their colour scheme and both colours can apply to both genders, and both genders may like the acts and their genre of music.
Social Class
The social class that would buy this magazine would be upper middle class and middle class as they earn good money and would be able to pay the amount that the magazine costs every week or month.

The front cover also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can see that it is to do with music as two music acts are on the front cover and they have a list of other acts at Glastonbury. Also it connects to the target because the target audience will be fans of 'MUSE' and 'U2' and regular readers.

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