Tuesday 30 November 2010

Analyisis 3 of magazine front cover.

This is a 'Billboard' magazine with Beyonce featured on the front cover of it.

The masthead on this magazine is spread right across the top of the page, starting from left to right as this is the way people read. It is in a large text size and is in white so that it stands out from the background . It also has the colours red, yellow, blue and green in the gaps in the letters of the word 'board', therefore it stands out more as the colour would catch readers attention. The color connotation to these colours are;
WHITE: It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness and it usually has a positive connotation.
RED: It is associated with energy, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. It brings text/images to the foreground.
YELLOW: It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. Yellow produces a warming effect and arouses cheerfulness. Yellow is very effective for attracting attention.
BLUE: It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.
GREEN: It is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony and freshness. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. It is the most restful color for the human eye; it can improve vision. Green suggests stability and endurance.

The main image of this magazine is of Beyonce against a black background and a stoplight shining on her so you just see her shadow and there is some writing on the black background behind her highlighted by the spotlight. You can see the sort of outfit that she is wearing, which is a vest and a skirt, or a dress. She is stood in an dominate stance, with her legs apart and her hands on her hips, and if you look closely you notice that she is holding a microphone in her left hand, and it looks as though she is looking towards the camera. She is also stood in the centre of the page, and that is where the reader's eye is drawn immediately drawn to. This is quite effective as it looks like it part of a stage production, especially since you see that she is holding a microphone.

The main headline is about Beyonce. Just underneath the main image their is a caption that says "many words describe you only one word defines you" this links with the background of the main image which is highlighted by the spotlight as there is lots of different words. Underneath this is "BEYONCE" in big, capitals and is in the colour gold so it stands out more than the other pieces of text, and then you see that it is for "woman of the year" and she is getting congratulated on being woman of the year. This is all at the bottom, centre of the page, just under the main image. In the bottom left hand side of the page you can see the bar code, price and websites, http://www.billboard.com/ and http://www.billboard.biz/. All this will attract the attention of the readers and will draw them in as they will want to know more.
Camera Angles
The camera is a medium long shot, as you can see Beyonce's shadow from the knees upwards. It looks like Beyounce is facing towards the camera with her hands on her hips and one hip is higher up than the other, she is stood in a strong stance.
The music magazine is iconic music masthead 'Billboard' this could be a way of advertising as billboards advertise things normally. The masthead is spread right across the top of the front cover, starting from left to right as this is the usual way that people read, above the masthead in the right hand corner is the word 'advertisement' in white letters. Images that are suitable for the magazine (bands, artists etc) this lets the reader know that the magazine they are looking at is related to music, this is why 'Billboard' have 'Beyonce' on their front cover. Related music information to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around, this magazine has purely used the shadow of Beyonce's body and her name is big gold capital letters to get the readers interested. The fonts and colours used that suit their target audience and makes it more presentable to their audience, 'Billboard' has used big bold fonts that are bright and stand out to their audience, they also use bright colours to highlight parts that they want their audience to notice, and the masthead has different colours to it so that it stands out more than a plain masthead would.

The magazine is called 'Billboard' and the publisher for this magazine is Prometheus Global Media and the company is called  and is based in America. It was originally founded by William H. Donaldson and James H. Hennegan in 1894.

The magazine features popular music acts and quality 'in' music and therefore may cost more than what some other music magazines might. On the front cover is Beyonce you can't see her properly, all you can see is the shadow of her body, because she is so well known that you don't need to see her face or what she is wearing you know who she is, and she is an iconic figure so you know she will look good and be wearing something nice anyways.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 20+ years as the acts featured are well known and popular however it will cost a reasonable prise so therefore young adults should be able to afford it.
The magazine is aimed at both women and men as the acts featured have fan bases of both women and men.
Social Class
The social class that would buy this magazine would be from lower middle class upwards to upper middle class as they earn enough money to be able to afford the magazine every week or month.
The front cover also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can see that it is to do with music as the magazine has 'Beyonce' is on the front cover and you can tell that it is going to be about her, and as he is so well known people will be interested and will want to read about her that's why they don't need to show her full body and can just show the shadow of her body and have her name in big capital gold letters underneath her picture. Also it connects to the target because the target audience will be fans of 'Beyonce' and regular readers.

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