Friday 17 December 2010

Front cover

This was my first attempt at my music magazine front cover. I did like it at first but after looking back at it, it was a bit bare and could have been better. As there was a lot of mistakes on it that needed to be changed; the image itsellf is wrong as it was meant to be a full length image, however i had cut her feet off, therefore it would have needed to be changed into a medium shot. There is also too many fonts and a mixture of colours, therefore there isn't an on-flowing house style. There is no background to the magazine, also where is says "hottest up-coming concerts" and then underneath lists singer's names it doesn't look like there is a link between them so this may confuse the reader.


Thursday 16 December 2010

Potential front cover photos.1st development.

At first i liked these photos and thought that they would be appropriate, as they do look similar to other images that i saw on other music magazines. I put my model in a black dress because once again it was a colour that was frequently used, black is a dominate colour and shows mystery. The dress is also showing a lot of skin which gives it a sense of sexuality which appeals to my target audience of teenagers. As the dress is black and short i had my model standing in 'sexy' and dominate positions so that they would flow well with the outfit. My model is also wearing blue heels, which works well with the black dress, the blue heels match the blue on the microphone so there is a link. I had my model wearing a few different outfits and standing in different positions to give me a wider variety of choice and to see what pictures worked best. I choose my model to stand in these particular poses as these are like a few that i have seen on other music magazine front covers during my research, the picture with the microphone is iconic for the music industry so gives a clue to the reader that the magazine is a music magazine.

Music Magazine Name Ideas

  • System
  • Clash
  • Musine (hottest thing on the music scene)
  • MusMag
  • S.O.M (sound of music)
  • NMN (new music now)
  • Radar (detecting the nation's new music)

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Conventions of a music magazine.

From analysing varies music magazines i found out what the conventions of a music magazine are.

For the front cover they are;
  • Masthead
  • Cover lines
  • Cover stories
  • Pictures and captions
  • Route of the eye
  • Pull quotes
  • Hot spots
For the contents page they are;
  • The word 'contents'
  • Route of the eye
  • Principle of the thirds
  • Eye catching colours
  • Pictures and captions
  • Page numbers and what's on them
For the double page spread they are;
  • Headline
  • Big picture taking up 1 page
  • Kicker-article starts with a big first letter
  • Route of the eye
  • Principle of the thirds
  • Hot spots
  • Captions
  • An important question
  • Pull quote from another article
  • An important notice

Analysis 3 of double page spread.

This is a 'Q' magazine double page spread, featuring Shakira. The first thing that is eye-catching for the readers is a long shot of Shakira with her feet up as she works in a recording studio, making her look like a typical working woman, which will relate well to her fans. This image indicates that Shakira working will be the main theme for the article. The other image on the oage is a profile medium close up shot of Shakira in what looks like a photoshoot, similar to what she looked like in her music video for 'she wolf'. The way she is in the second photo is not natural, which shows that she is clearly posing for the camera, as her make up and hair looks professionally done and even though she looks quite vulnerable in the picture she still manages to be her sexy self. This contrast well to her more natural look in the main image. 

The headline 'Danger! Shakira At Work' as well as the main image, also implies to the readers that the article is going to be about Shakira's work. The 'Danger!' could be in resembelance to her song 'she wolf' which links to the second image, where she is posing to promote that song. The headline overlaps on the main image in a white colour, and is clearly in a large font as it is a headline and needs to stand out to the audience.

Underneath the headline there is a short introduction to the article which will give the readers a much better insight on what the article will be about. There is also a kicker at the beginning of the first paragraph of the article which is a main convention of a double page spread. This attracts the readers attention away from the images and headline. The introduction is in a larger font size than the rest of the article and it is in bold, and has red text to highlight someones name at the end, as the magazine will see this as important information. There is a quote on the second page in a large font and bold and is in invertid commas and is underlined by a red line, this is so that it stands out amongst everything.

There is a touch of the colour red that keeps in the theme with 'Q' magazine's red masthead and features, however on the double page spread it is used to highlight important parts, such as the writer's name. There is also red where the quote has been underlined which draws in the reader's attention. They have also linked Shakira's red shoes in the main image to the 'Q' magaiznes normal colour theme, and they also stand out against the rest of her outfit, and as the headline goes across the shoes this makes the headline catch the reader's eye.

 Camera Angles
The camera angle in the main image of Shakira is focused on her full body, starting from her feet along her leg to the upper torso of her body and then her face and hair. Even though these parts of her body are in the shot, her face is the main part of the image, because her feet are out of focus and you also notice that she has a piece of paper of pencil in her hand which links in with her surroundings. She is leaning against an editing/mixing board in a music studio, behind her is a computer screen and in the corner behind her is a few music players and what looks to be an amplifier. This works well as she is a singer and she is in a recording studio and the paper and pencil tells the readers that she is working on a new song, trying to think of lyrics. Also the camera hasn't cut out her surroundings as they are important and set the scene and the heading at the top of the right hand corner tells us that shes in a studio if we didn't gather that from her surroundings, 'IN THE STUDIO'. You see her face looking to the side and away from the camera, this shows a sign of concentrating and thinking. The main heading of the article shows that she is hard at work in the studio 'Danger!  Shakira At Work'. There is another image on the second page of the double page spread which isn't as large as the main one which takes up a full page which is a double page spread convention. In the second image there is Shakira, she hunched over with her hands around her back as if hugging herself, but her hand is in a claw shape and digging into her back, and she has turned her head to look at the camera.
The music magazine's iconic music masthead is 'Q' however unlike other magazine's the masthead is present on this double page spread, nor is the magazine's website link. This may be because the consumers will already know what the masthead of the magazine is as they would have seen it on the front cover on on the contents page. The suitable images for the magazine are also present on the double page spread, this is so that the readers recognise the theme throughout the magazine. Related music information is also present on the double page spread to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around and so they know what and who the double page is based on. The fonts and colours that are used suit their target audience and therefore it makes it more presentable to their audience, 'Q' has used big fonts in some areas for example 'Danger! Shakira At Work' which would be the main heading of the article. The font in the introduction of the article is slightly smaller font from the heading yet still a larger font size from the rest of the text. And lastly the first letter in the first paragraph is in large font as this is the kicker, which is a general convention in a double page spread. The text is generally black however when they say  say who the quote is by the highlight it by putting it red text, which is the main colour of the magazine, and the magazines masthead has a background of that colour and the contents page is normally featuring that particular colour.

The magazine is called 'Q' magazine and the publishing house for this magazine is Bauer Media Group which is a large German publishing company based in Hamburg.

'Q' could stand for quality, and quality music therefore it would cost more than most music magazines as the paper of the magazine is like photo paper rather than just normal printing paper. It also stands for 'q the music' meaning 'queue the music' which insinuates start the music. On the double page spread is Shakira, Shakira and her music is very popular with various people, of different ages and genders.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 30+ years as you would have to know who the acts are in the magazine to want to buy it and that age range would know the majority of the acts.  You also know that the magazine is aimed at that age range as the magazine costs £3.99 therefore people of a younger generation wouldn't be able to afford that amount of money for a magazine.
The magazine is aimed at both women and men as they have used red and blue as their colour scheme and both colours can apply to both genders, and both genders may like the acts and their genre of music.
Social Class
The social class that would buy this magazine would be upper middle class and middle class as they earn good money and would be able to pay the amount that the magazine costs every week or month.

The double page spread also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can see that it features the popular female artist Shakira. The pages are presented well, it is set out to draw the attention of the reader. It also connects to the target because the target audience will be fans of Shakira and regular readers will still be reading.

Analysis 2 of double page spread.

This is a NME magazine double page spread, featuring Florence.

The first thing that the readers are bond to notice is the large image of Florence that takes up one full page, which a normal convention of a double page spread. Florence is sat on what looks like a large box with the USA flag draped over it, and she is then sat on it. Florence is wearing a black short jumpsuit which covers her arms and chest areas but shows of her legs. And she is also wearing big  black ankle boots with a high heel. The position of her body is of her body facing the side with her right leg down and her left leg up and bent resting on another step, her right arm is leaning against her left knee and her left hand is resting on the higher step. Even though her body is facing the side her face is looking at the camera. In the background of the image is the word USA which links well, and makes sense why there is an American flag. The word USA is in large capital letters and spread right across into the second page as part of the image does, the flag ends when the letter A ends. Next to the word USA is 'got the love' which is the name of one of her songs so its clever how they have linked these two together.

Once you have looked at the image you then move onto the text that is next to the image. The first piece of text that the consumer would see is the piece of text which is on the second page, and it is the introduction of the article which gives the consumers a brief idea on what it is about. It is a larger and bolder font than the other pieces of text, the majority of the text is black but when they mention her name they highlight it in blue, to show that it is more important and to make it stand out to the reader.

The first paragraph gets started with a kicker, which will initially grab the readers attention. Apart from the introduction and the kicker then text is a moderate size, which I'm guessing is a font size of 12, which is just the right size for an article. The text is black, minus the blue section that highlights Florence's name. The information is set out in 3 columns and it doesn't look like there is a lot to read, which will be inviting to the public, but because the font size is quite small it still has managed to fit a lot of information into it. There is some more information just underneath the words 'got the love' which tells us who the words are by and who the pictures are by, so that this part of information is noticed the magazine has put the words 'words' and 'pictures' in bold, these words are also in lager letters than the actual article font size, however even though the words 'words' and 'pictures' are in bold the person's name who they are by isn't.

At the bottom of the second page on the left hand side is the date and the page number which is in red, which is quite a well used colour in 'NME' and is normally the main colour in the magazine colour scheme.The masthead isn't present anywhere on the double page spread, unlike it is on some other magazine double page spreads. Even though the double page spread doesn't have a lot of colour in it to attract the attention of the readers it doesn't matter as the image is big enough to attract the attention for the double page spread instead. 
Camera Angles
The camera angle in this main image of Florence is focused on her, whats around her and what she is sat on as they have cut off any unnecessary things from the background or beside her. Florence is looking towards the camera whereas her body is on an angle and facing the side however she has slightly twisted her upper body round towards the camera. She is sat on a USA flag and behind her in this image is the word 'USA' therefore it all links well together, by seeing this what may come to mind for the readers would be 'Florence on USA' as Florence is sat on a USA flag.
The music magazine's iconic music masthead is 'NME' however unlike other magazine's the masthead is present on this double page spread, nor is the magazine's website link. This may be because the consumers will already know what the masthead of the magazine is as they would have seen it on the front cover on on the contents page. The suitable images for the magazine are also present on the double page spread, this is so that the readers recognise the theme throughout the magazine. Related music information is also present on the double page spread to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around and so they know what and who the double page is based on. The fonts and colours that are used suit their target audience and therefore it makes it more presentable to their audience, 'NME' has used big fonts in some areas for example 'USA got the love' which would be the main heading of the article, the word 'USA' is in a much larger and bold font than the words 'got the love' as the article will be more than likely be based on USA. The magazine have also linked both USA  and 'got the love', well together as Florence may have gone to USA and 'got the love' are lyrics in one of her songs. The font in the introduction of the article is slightly smaller font from the heading yet still a larger font size from the rest of the text. And lastly the first letter in the first paragraph is in large font as this is the kicker, which is a general convention in a double page spread. The text is generally black however when they say her name in the introduction they highlight it by putting it in blue text.

*I* The magazine is called 'NME' magazine and the publishing house for this magazine is IPC Media and is based in the United Kingdom.

*I*'NME' stands for enemy,  this could be looked at as enemy of other music magazine, other music acts and other music genres. The magazine is normal paper and therefore shouldn't cost a lot. On this particular double page spread there is Florence from the iconic band Florence and the machine, she is very popular and has a wide range of fans between different ages and different genders.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 20+ years as the style of the magazine would suit that age range and the acts that are present in the magazine are well known by those ages. Also as the magazine is just paper and nothing really expensive like photo paper it won't cost so much and so that age range will be able to afford it, since it costs £2.20.
GenderThe magazine is aimed at both women and men as the magazine's colour scheme relates to both sexes,also both men and female will be fans of the acts and the magazine's music genre.
Social ClassThe social class that would buy this magazine would be from lower middle class upwards to upper middle class as they earn enough money to be able to afford the magazine every week or month.

The double page spread also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can clearly see this as it features Florence a music artist on the magazine's double page spread. The double page spread is presented well, with a neat and organised article. The magazine also connects to the target audience because the audience will be fans of Florence and regular consumers will still be reading.

Analysis 1 of double page spread.

This is a double page spread featuring pop star Rihanna.

The first thing that you immediately notice is the large photo at the top of the right hand side,which shows Rihanna in a pink outfit,black boots and a black hat in the style of Minnie Mouse. On the photo she is sat on, what looks, a pink tank that matches her outfit. Next to the image is a list of her songs in order of what she has brought out in over 5 years. As you can see the colour as stayed throughout parts of text, for example the title to the list of songs is in pink, large,capital letters, the title says 'PON DE AIRPLAY' this is clever because it is in the style of what one of her songs is called 'pon de replay' and in the music industry they have a saying for songs that get played at that is airplay, therefore they have merged them both together. Also there are pink lines under each song on the list to follow the colour scheme.

After you have looked at the image you the start to notice the text placed around her photo. The first piece of text that the consumer would notice is the piece of text on the top left hand corner, which says 'IT'S BEEN JUST SIX WEEKS SINCE RIHANNA'S' this is in large, bold, capital letters. The text is left on a cliff hanger as the readers would what to know, "six weeks since Rihanna's what?" therefore they would be intrigued to read on.

The first paragraph is a larger font from the other pieces of text as that would be there to grab the readers attention after they have seen the photo so they don't just move on. The majority of text is in black, however some parts are in larger fonts and are pink following the colour scheme. For example,there is a quote that says 'I WANTED SONGS THAT ONLY I CAN DO, NOT GENERIC ONES THAT EVERYONE ELSE COULD SING.' And it is set out like that, with them words in pink, this is because that part of the quote is seen as more important, and you could read them 4 words and it would still make sense. Other parts where they have put the text in pink is in the third column of the article just under the main image, 'the mouse that roared; RIHANNA performing in August at New York's Madison Square Gardens' this statement links well with the image above it as Rihanna is wearing Minnie Mouse ears hat and this would be referring to the word 'mouse'. Further down the column there is a title to a section of the article that says "GETTING 'LOUD'" this is also in pink, they have put the word 'LOUD' like that because that is also the name of her new album and it links well to music in general as people turn music up loud, with that section of the article having a separate title the next few paragraphs will be about her new album, it could be an interview with the pop star about her album or a review comparing with other soloists female artists like herself. Moving further on into the article, the fifth column also has a separate heading, 'DIRECT TO FAN' this will be about Rihanna connecting with her fans as fans would like to know that if they ever saw her she would take a moment to say hi, get a photo with them etc, whereas some stars rather not and ignore their fans. Between both columns of this section there is some pink writing which says 'Run This Town: RIHANNA with IDJMG boss ANTONIO 'L.A' REID (top): bottom: Topshop contest winners receiving super-diva style tips.' This is describing who is in the photos underneath the next, they have cleverly titled that description with 'Run This Town' as that is what one of her songs is called and she is about town so they have managed to link the two together. They have put RIHANNA and ANTONIO (L.A) REID in capitals as they are names and so they want people to notice them as they stand out more than other pieces of text that are in lower case. The images is what is described, Rihanna sat with Antonio and Rihanna in a Topshop store with three women which will be the contest winners.

At the bottom of the first page on the left hand side there is the page number, the masthead of the magazine and the date. However, at the bottom of the second page on the right hand side there is the date, magazine website and the page number, and the magazine website is in pink text as this is important and so if it is in a bright colour it will be noticed more than just black text, that is why parts of the article is also in pink text rather then all black, and if they have a mixture of colours or just more than one it will look more attractive and will keep the attention of the readers.

The connotation of the colour pink that is used quite a bit is;
Pink is an energetic color with feminine, flirtatious, and even some sexual undertones.
hot pinks like the one used —dominant and powerful hence why she is sat on a tank which is associated with the army and quite a dominant expect, while emphatically feminine. Those hot pinks tends to grab attention from both from males and females, but like any strong color, too much pink can be overpowering and exhausting this is why only small parts of pink text have been used, a distance away from each other. And if you were wondering, pink’s sexual connotation comes from more than just a cultural trend. The fact is, pink is one of several predominant colors of skin, and humans are psychologically hardwired to respond to it.

This is a good colour for this article and for Rihanna, as she is very feminine, flirtatious and can be quite sexual however she is still very dominant and powerful.

The double follows most conventions of a music magazine double page spread even though it doesn't follow all of them for example it doesn't have a kicker start it just has one big sentence in large, bold, capital letters.

*L* Camera Angles
The camera in the main image of Rihanna is purely focused on Rhianna and what she is sat on as you can tell they have cut off the rest of the tank that she is sat on, so instead of including all of it they just took the image of where she is exactly sat.  The camera is slightly zoomed in on Rihanna and it looks as though she is looking straight at the camera even though her body is facing sidewards, away from the camera and more towards the audience. The top photo on the second page is facing towards both Rihanna and Antonio, once again they have focused on the main point of the image which is Rihanna and Antonio, so you don't see much of their surroundings. For the third image the camera is coming from an angle and is facing the side of Rihanna and two of the contest winners, however it is facing forwards on one of the contest winners, they have also managed to get the name of the shop 'Topshop' in the image as this is a main feature to the image, and for the readers as then they know what shop advertised the competition and where they are in the photo.
The music magazine's iconic music masthead is 'Billboard' and is also present on the double page spread, as you can see on the bottom of both pages. The masthead is also present in the website link for the magazine which you can also see at the bottom of the second page. You don't really notice it but there isn't much need for it to be very noticeable and outstanding because you have already seen the masthead on the front page and on the contents page, it is just there to remind consumers. It is in small font, and black text in capital letters, it hasn't followed the scheme of what it is normally like with the other colours on different words it is just plain black. The suitable images for the magazine are also present on the double page spread, this is so that the readers recognise the theme throughout the magazine. Related music information is present on the double page spread to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around and so they know what and who the double page is based on. The fonts and colours that are used suit their target audience and therefore it makes it more presentable to their audience, 'Billboard' has used a big being 'IT'S BEEN JUST SIX WEEKS SINCE RIHANNA'S' the other is 'I WANTED SONGS THAT ONLY I CAN DO, NOT GENERIC ONES THAT EVERYONE ELSE COULD SING' and last being 'PON DE AIRPLAY'. However for the other pieces of text the font is quite small and like in other parts of the magazine when it is useful information the magazine have either made it bold or highlighted it by putting in pink text instead. The colour scheme of black, white and pink has flowed nicely through the double page spread.


The magazine is called 'Billboard' and the publisher for this magazine is Prometheus Global Media and the company is called  and is based in America. It was originally founded by William H. Donaldson and James H. Hennegan in 1894.

The magazine features popular music acts and quality 'in' music and therefore may cost more than what some other music magazines might. On this double page spread features the famous and very popular Rhianna and her music applies and attracts different ranges of ages and both male and female.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 20+ years as the acts featured are well known and popular however it will cost a reasonable price so therefore young adults should be able to afford it.
The magazine is aimed at both women and men as the acts featured have fan bases of both women and men.
Social Class
The social class that would buy this magazine would be from lower middle class upwards to upper middle class as they earn enough money to be able to afford the magazine every week or month. NEED TO COMPLETE!!*

The double page spread also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can clearly see this as it features Rihanna a music act on the pages and they talk about her fans and her music. The double page spread is presented well and the layout is smartly done, they have two columns under each sub heading which equals the the sections out. They have also found room to add three images of the pop star amongst the written information. The magazine also connects to the target audience because the audience will be fans of Rhianna and regular consumers will still be reading.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Analysis 3 of contents page.

This is a 'Billboard' magazine contents page. This contents page doesn't always follow the house style of the front cover of the magazine, however the layout of the page is quite like the layout of the website  

The colours on this contents page are mainly blue, black and white. The connotations for these colours are the following;
BLACK: Is associated with power, elegance, formality and mystery. Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth. Black contrasts well with bright colors. Combined with red or orange – other very powerful colors.

WHITE: Is associated with light, goodness, innocence and purity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. White can represent a successful beginning. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products.

BLUE: It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.  Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness.and sincerity. 
The masthead of the magazine is 'Billboard' and as you can see it is also on the contents, which it normally is, however it isn't placed in the same place on the contents page as it is on the front cover, it also isn't the same size, which they normally are. You can see that the masthead of the magazine is placed at the top right hand corner of the page. Even though it isn't the same size and isn't in the same position, it still looks the same by following the colour scheme of the masthead on the front page. 

Under where the masthead is, is the chart list for the best albums, songs and the songs that are playing this week. This is also on the right hand side of the page starting from the top of the page down to the bottom. On the left hand side of the page is the word 'contents' in big black, bold text at the top of the page, level with the 'no.1 on the charts' list. It starts to get underlined from the letter 'N' by a blue bar with text in it, the underlining shows that it is vital information for the readers. Under the title 'contents' is three photos going across the page of music acts and page numbers at the bottom right hand corner of the photo. Under the first and second picture is a column of page numbers under three different headings, one is 'UPFRONT', 'FEATURES', 'MUSIC' and 'IN EVERY ISSUE'. The page numbers are all on the left hand side of the text. You can notice which parts of information are more important than others as it has been highlighted by being in blue text rather than black. In 'UPFRONT' there is one piece of text that is in blue text and the rest is in black, as are the page numbers, in 'FEATURES' all the headings of the stories are in blue text and underlined as is the page numbers. In 'MUSIC' the headings and page numbers are also in blue text and are underlined, whereas in 'IN EVERY ISSUE' the text is in black but the page number is in blue text.

Even though there is three photos of music acts at the top of the page, there is a main image of 'Black Eyed Peas' Will.I.Am under the third photo, like the other photos there is also the page number at the bottom right hand corner of the photo. It is a medium shot as you can see from his hips upwards, he is stood on a side, and his body is facing right whereas his face is looking at the camera and his head is slightly tilted back. He is wearing a suit and then a woolly hat, to show that he is smart/ casual at the same time, and it shows his relaxed character, and it looks as they are his own clothes as you see that he sometimes wears outfits like this in music videos, interviews etc. You can tell that this is the main image because it is bigger than the other three images at the top of the page. Underneath is another section headed with 'HOME FRONT' which is in white text and in a black box and then the box continues across but in the colour blue. And then underneath are two heading  in green text 'ONLINE' and 'EVENTS' and underneath these are the sub-heading that are made bold, so you notice it straight away. There is one column for 'ONLINE' and three columns for 'EVENTS' and there are also parts of text at the bottom of the columns in blue text, which will either be website links or important information the magazine want the readers to notice.

I believe that this is a good use of space and it contains all the useful information that you would expect from a contents page without it looking too cramped and tight together,  and it will be attractive to the reader's eyes.

*L* Camera AnglesThe camera is different for all four of the images on the contents page. The first picture is of the mans face from a side, the camera looks like it is coming from a distance and on an angle aiming at the side of his body. In the second image the camera is aiming face on of the three people within the shot, and in the third image it is also aiming face on to 'Lady GaGa', these three images are the same size, and are quite small. However the main image of Will.I.Am is a medium shot from his hips upwards and the camera is facing the side of his body and he has turned and tilted his head back to look at the camera.
The music magazine's iconic music masthead is 'Billboard' is also present on the contents page as well as just on the front cover of the magazine, however unlike most other magazines the masthead isn't in the same place as it is on the front cover as it is on the contents page, nor is it the same size. It is placed at the top right hand corner of the page just above the music chart list. It isn't noticeable at first but as you go to read the chart list you then notice as it is subtly noticeable, as the no.1 chart is in white text and a black background however the 'Billboard'  is in black text and different colours in same letters with a white background so you notice it quite easily there. The suitable images for the magazine are also present on the contents page as well as the front cover, this is so that when readers open the contents page they also know that it is a music magazine. Related music information is also present on the contents page to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around, and they know what is featured. The fonts and colours that are used suit their target audience and therefore it makes it more presentable to their audience, 'Billboard' has used a big bold font for the word 'CONTENTS' and for 'NO.1' however for the other pieces of text the font is quite small, and when it is useful information the magazine have either made it bold or highlighted it by putting in blue text instead. There has been a flow of colour of the contents page, all the colours used work well together and are quite similar to one another, also some colours used for the text and presentation are the colours featured in the masthead therefore it is linked together. They have regulars and features like contents pages normally do. The features are clearly visible as they ave a title above them in bold, capital letters and the text is in black, also because the subheadings to the features are in blue text and are underlined. However for the regulars the heading 'IN EVERY ISSUE' is in bold, capital letters and the text is also in black but the regulars don't have subheadings and they aren't highlighted by being in blue text rather than black and nor are they underlined. 

*I*The magazine is called 'Billboard' and the publisher for this magazine is Prometheus Global Media and the company is called  and is based in America. It was originally founded by William H. Donaldson and James H. Hennegan in 1894.

The magazine features popular music acts and quality 'in' music and therefore may cost more than what some other music magazines might. On the contents page is two more famous acts, Lady Ga Ga and Will.I.Am, these are two well known, popular acts and are quite popular to different ages and will relate to both male and female.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 20+ years as the acts featured are well known and popular however it will cost a reasonable price so therefore young adults should be able to afford it.
The magazine is aimed at both women and men as the acts featured have fan bases of both women and men.
Social ClassThe social class that would buy this magazine would be from lower middle class upwards to upper middle class as they earn enough money to be able to afford the magazine every week or month.
The contents page also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can see that it is to do with music as there is features and regulars on music, also the main image is of a music act and there are a few other images that feature music acts. Their names aren't featured as people know who they are just by looking at them as they are so well known and may be iconic to the consumer. Also it connects to the target audience because the audience will be fans of Lady Ga Ga, Will.I.Am etc and regular consumers will be reading.