Wednesday 8 December 2010

Analysis 3 of double page spread.

This is a 'Q' magazine double page spread, featuring Shakira. The first thing that is eye-catching for the readers is a long shot of Shakira with her feet up as she works in a recording studio, making her look like a typical working woman, which will relate well to her fans. This image indicates that Shakira working will be the main theme for the article. The other image on the oage is a profile medium close up shot of Shakira in what looks like a photoshoot, similar to what she looked like in her music video for 'she wolf'. The way she is in the second photo is not natural, which shows that she is clearly posing for the camera, as her make up and hair looks professionally done and even though she looks quite vulnerable in the picture she still manages to be her sexy self. This contrast well to her more natural look in the main image. 

The headline 'Danger! Shakira At Work' as well as the main image, also implies to the readers that the article is going to be about Shakira's work. The 'Danger!' could be in resembelance to her song 'she wolf' which links to the second image, where she is posing to promote that song. The headline overlaps on the main image in a white colour, and is clearly in a large font as it is a headline and needs to stand out to the audience.

Underneath the headline there is a short introduction to the article which will give the readers a much better insight on what the article will be about. There is also a kicker at the beginning of the first paragraph of the article which is a main convention of a double page spread. This attracts the readers attention away from the images and headline. The introduction is in a larger font size than the rest of the article and it is in bold, and has red text to highlight someones name at the end, as the magazine will see this as important information. There is a quote on the second page in a large font and bold and is in invertid commas and is underlined by a red line, this is so that it stands out amongst everything.

There is a touch of the colour red that keeps in the theme with 'Q' magazine's red masthead and features, however on the double page spread it is used to highlight important parts, such as the writer's name. There is also red where the quote has been underlined which draws in the reader's attention. They have also linked Shakira's red shoes in the main image to the 'Q' magaiznes normal colour theme, and they also stand out against the rest of her outfit, and as the headline goes across the shoes this makes the headline catch the reader's eye.

 Camera Angles
The camera angle in the main image of Shakira is focused on her full body, starting from her feet along her leg to the upper torso of her body and then her face and hair. Even though these parts of her body are in the shot, her face is the main part of the image, because her feet are out of focus and you also notice that she has a piece of paper of pencil in her hand which links in with her surroundings. She is leaning against an editing/mixing board in a music studio, behind her is a computer screen and in the corner behind her is a few music players and what looks to be an amplifier. This works well as she is a singer and she is in a recording studio and the paper and pencil tells the readers that she is working on a new song, trying to think of lyrics. Also the camera hasn't cut out her surroundings as they are important and set the scene and the heading at the top of the right hand corner tells us that shes in a studio if we didn't gather that from her surroundings, 'IN THE STUDIO'. You see her face looking to the side and away from the camera, this shows a sign of concentrating and thinking. The main heading of the article shows that she is hard at work in the studio 'Danger!  Shakira At Work'. There is another image on the second page of the double page spread which isn't as large as the main one which takes up a full page which is a double page spread convention. In the second image there is Shakira, she hunched over with her hands around her back as if hugging herself, but her hand is in a claw shape and digging into her back, and she has turned her head to look at the camera.
The music magazine's iconic music masthead is 'Q' however unlike other magazine's the masthead is present on this double page spread, nor is the magazine's website link. This may be because the consumers will already know what the masthead of the magazine is as they would have seen it on the front cover on on the contents page. The suitable images for the magazine are also present on the double page spread, this is so that the readers recognise the theme throughout the magazine. Related music information is also present on the double page spread to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around and so they know what and who the double page is based on. The fonts and colours that are used suit their target audience and therefore it makes it more presentable to their audience, 'Q' has used big fonts in some areas for example 'Danger! Shakira At Work' which would be the main heading of the article. The font in the introduction of the article is slightly smaller font from the heading yet still a larger font size from the rest of the text. And lastly the first letter in the first paragraph is in large font as this is the kicker, which is a general convention in a double page spread. The text is generally black however when they say  say who the quote is by the highlight it by putting it red text, which is the main colour of the magazine, and the magazines masthead has a background of that colour and the contents page is normally featuring that particular colour.

The magazine is called 'Q' magazine and the publishing house for this magazine is Bauer Media Group which is a large German publishing company based in Hamburg.

'Q' could stand for quality, and quality music therefore it would cost more than most music magazines as the paper of the magazine is like photo paper rather than just normal printing paper. It also stands for 'q the music' meaning 'queue the music' which insinuates start the music. On the double page spread is Shakira, Shakira and her music is very popular with various people, of different ages and genders.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 30+ years as you would have to know who the acts are in the magazine to want to buy it and that age range would know the majority of the acts.  You also know that the magazine is aimed at that age range as the magazine costs £3.99 therefore people of a younger generation wouldn't be able to afford that amount of money for a magazine.
The magazine is aimed at both women and men as they have used red and blue as their colour scheme and both colours can apply to both genders, and both genders may like the acts and their genre of music.
Social Class
The social class that would buy this magazine would be upper middle class and middle class as they earn good money and would be able to pay the amount that the magazine costs every week or month.

The double page spread also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can see that it features the popular female artist Shakira. The pages are presented well, it is set out to draw the attention of the reader. It also connects to the target because the target audience will be fans of Shakira and regular readers will still be reading.

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