Wednesday 8 December 2010

Analysis 2 of double page spread.

This is a NME magazine double page spread, featuring Florence.

The first thing that the readers are bond to notice is the large image of Florence that takes up one full page, which a normal convention of a double page spread. Florence is sat on what looks like a large box with the USA flag draped over it, and she is then sat on it. Florence is wearing a black short jumpsuit which covers her arms and chest areas but shows of her legs. And she is also wearing big  black ankle boots with a high heel. The position of her body is of her body facing the side with her right leg down and her left leg up and bent resting on another step, her right arm is leaning against her left knee and her left hand is resting on the higher step. Even though her body is facing the side her face is looking at the camera. In the background of the image is the word USA which links well, and makes sense why there is an American flag. The word USA is in large capital letters and spread right across into the second page as part of the image does, the flag ends when the letter A ends. Next to the word USA is 'got the love' which is the name of one of her songs so its clever how they have linked these two together.

Once you have looked at the image you then move onto the text that is next to the image. The first piece of text that the consumer would see is the piece of text which is on the second page, and it is the introduction of the article which gives the consumers a brief idea on what it is about. It is a larger and bolder font than the other pieces of text, the majority of the text is black but when they mention her name they highlight it in blue, to show that it is more important and to make it stand out to the reader.

The first paragraph gets started with a kicker, which will initially grab the readers attention. Apart from the introduction and the kicker then text is a moderate size, which I'm guessing is a font size of 12, which is just the right size for an article. The text is black, minus the blue section that highlights Florence's name. The information is set out in 3 columns and it doesn't look like there is a lot to read, which will be inviting to the public, but because the font size is quite small it still has managed to fit a lot of information into it. There is some more information just underneath the words 'got the love' which tells us who the words are by and who the pictures are by, so that this part of information is noticed the magazine has put the words 'words' and 'pictures' in bold, these words are also in lager letters than the actual article font size, however even though the words 'words' and 'pictures' are in bold the person's name who they are by isn't.

At the bottom of the second page on the left hand side is the date and the page number which is in red, which is quite a well used colour in 'NME' and is normally the main colour in the magazine colour scheme.The masthead isn't present anywhere on the double page spread, unlike it is on some other magazine double page spreads. Even though the double page spread doesn't have a lot of colour in it to attract the attention of the readers it doesn't matter as the image is big enough to attract the attention for the double page spread instead. 
Camera Angles
The camera angle in this main image of Florence is focused on her, whats around her and what she is sat on as they have cut off any unnecessary things from the background or beside her. Florence is looking towards the camera whereas her body is on an angle and facing the side however she has slightly twisted her upper body round towards the camera. She is sat on a USA flag and behind her in this image is the word 'USA' therefore it all links well together, by seeing this what may come to mind for the readers would be 'Florence on USA' as Florence is sat on a USA flag.
The music magazine's iconic music masthead is 'NME' however unlike other magazine's the masthead is present on this double page spread, nor is the magazine's website link. This may be because the consumers will already know what the masthead of the magazine is as they would have seen it on the front cover on on the contents page. The suitable images for the magazine are also present on the double page spread, this is so that the readers recognise the theme throughout the magazine. Related music information is also present on the double page spread to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around and so they know what and who the double page is based on. The fonts and colours that are used suit their target audience and therefore it makes it more presentable to their audience, 'NME' has used big fonts in some areas for example 'USA got the love' which would be the main heading of the article, the word 'USA' is in a much larger and bold font than the words 'got the love' as the article will be more than likely be based on USA. The magazine have also linked both USA  and 'got the love', well together as Florence may have gone to USA and 'got the love' are lyrics in one of her songs. The font in the introduction of the article is slightly smaller font from the heading yet still a larger font size from the rest of the text. And lastly the first letter in the first paragraph is in large font as this is the kicker, which is a general convention in a double page spread. The text is generally black however when they say her name in the introduction they highlight it by putting it in blue text.

*I* The magazine is called 'NME' magazine and the publishing house for this magazine is IPC Media and is based in the United Kingdom.

*I*'NME' stands for enemy,  this could be looked at as enemy of other music magazine, other music acts and other music genres. The magazine is normal paper and therefore shouldn't cost a lot. On this particular double page spread there is Florence from the iconic band Florence and the machine, she is very popular and has a wide range of fans between different ages and different genders.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 20+ years as the style of the magazine would suit that age range and the acts that are present in the magazine are well known by those ages. Also as the magazine is just paper and nothing really expensive like photo paper it won't cost so much and so that age range will be able to afford it, since it costs £2.20.
GenderThe magazine is aimed at both women and men as the magazine's colour scheme relates to both sexes,also both men and female will be fans of the acts and the magazine's music genre.
Social ClassThe social class that would buy this magazine would be from lower middle class upwards to upper middle class as they earn enough money to be able to afford the magazine every week or month.

The double page spread also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can clearly see this as it features Florence a music artist on the magazine's double page spread. The double page spread is presented well, with a neat and organised article. The magazine also connects to the target audience because the audience will be fans of Florence and regular consumers will still be reading.

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