Thursday 16 December 2010

Potential front cover photos.1st development.

At first i liked these photos and thought that they would be appropriate, as they do look similar to other images that i saw on other music magazines. I put my model in a black dress because once again it was a colour that was frequently used, black is a dominate colour and shows mystery. The dress is also showing a lot of skin which gives it a sense of sexuality which appeals to my target audience of teenagers. As the dress is black and short i had my model standing in 'sexy' and dominate positions so that they would flow well with the outfit. My model is also wearing blue heels, which works well with the black dress, the blue heels match the blue on the microphone so there is a link. I had my model wearing a few different outfits and standing in different positions to give me a wider variety of choice and to see what pictures worked best. I choose my model to stand in these particular poses as these are like a few that i have seen on other music magazine front covers during my research, the picture with the microphone is iconic for the music industry so gives a clue to the reader that the magazine is a music magazine.

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