Tuesday 7 December 2010

Analysis 3 of contents page.

This is a 'Billboard' magazine contents page. This contents page doesn't always follow the house style of the front cover of the magazine, however the layout of the page is quite like the layout of the website http://www.billboard.com/.  

The colours on this contents page are mainly blue, black and white. The connotations for these colours are the following;
BLACK: Is associated with power, elegance, formality and mystery. Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth. Black contrasts well with bright colors. Combined with red or orange – other very powerful colors.

WHITE: Is associated with light, goodness, innocence and purity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. White can represent a successful beginning. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products.

BLUE: It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.  Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness.and sincerity. 
The masthead of the magazine is 'Billboard' and as you can see it is also on the contents, which it normally is, however it isn't placed in the same place on the contents page as it is on the front cover, it also isn't the same size, which they normally are. You can see that the masthead of the magazine is placed at the top right hand corner of the page. Even though it isn't the same size and isn't in the same position, it still looks the same by following the colour scheme of the masthead on the front page. 

Under where the masthead is, is the chart list for the best albums, songs and the songs that are playing this week. This is also on the right hand side of the page starting from the top of the page down to the bottom. On the left hand side of the page is the word 'contents' in big black, bold text at the top of the page, level with the 'no.1 on the charts' list. It starts to get underlined from the letter 'N' by a blue bar with text in it, the underlining shows that it is vital information for the readers. Under the title 'contents' is three photos going across the page of music acts and page numbers at the bottom right hand corner of the photo. Under the first and second picture is a column of page numbers under three different headings, one is 'UPFRONT', 'FEATURES', 'MUSIC' and 'IN EVERY ISSUE'. The page numbers are all on the left hand side of the text. You can notice which parts of information are more important than others as it has been highlighted by being in blue text rather than black. In 'UPFRONT' there is one piece of text that is in blue text and the rest is in black, as are the page numbers, in 'FEATURES' all the headings of the stories are in blue text and underlined as is the page numbers. In 'MUSIC' the headings and page numbers are also in blue text and are underlined, whereas in 'IN EVERY ISSUE' the text is in black but the page number is in blue text.

Even though there is three photos of music acts at the top of the page, there is a main image of 'Black Eyed Peas' Will.I.Am under the third photo, like the other photos there is also the page number at the bottom right hand corner of the photo. It is a medium shot as you can see from his hips upwards, he is stood on a side, and his body is facing right whereas his face is looking at the camera and his head is slightly tilted back. He is wearing a suit and then a woolly hat, to show that he is smart/ casual at the same time, and it shows his relaxed character, and it looks as they are his own clothes as you see that he sometimes wears outfits like this in music videos, interviews etc. You can tell that this is the main image because it is bigger than the other three images at the top of the page. Underneath is another section headed with 'HOME FRONT' which is in white text and in a black box and then the box continues across but in the colour blue. And then underneath are two heading  in green text 'ONLINE' and 'EVENTS' and underneath these are the sub-heading that are made bold, so you notice it straight away. There is one column for 'ONLINE' and three columns for 'EVENTS' and there are also parts of text at the bottom of the columns in blue text, which will either be website links or important information the magazine want the readers to notice.

I believe that this is a good use of space and it contains all the useful information that you would expect from a contents page without it looking too cramped and tight together,  and it will be attractive to the reader's eyes.

*L* Camera AnglesThe camera is different for all four of the images on the contents page. The first picture is of the mans face from a side, the camera looks like it is coming from a distance and on an angle aiming at the side of his body. In the second image the camera is aiming face on of the three people within the shot, and in the third image it is also aiming face on to 'Lady GaGa', these three images are the same size, and are quite small. However the main image of Will.I.Am is a medium shot from his hips upwards and the camera is facing the side of his body and he has turned and tilted his head back to look at the camera.
The music magazine's iconic music masthead is 'Billboard' is also present on the contents page as well as just on the front cover of the magazine, however unlike most other magazines the masthead isn't in the same place as it is on the front cover as it is on the contents page, nor is it the same size. It is placed at the top right hand corner of the page just above the music chart list. It isn't noticeable at first but as you go to read the chart list you then notice as it is subtly noticeable, as the no.1 chart is in white text and a black background however the 'Billboard'  is in black text and different colours in same letters with a white background so you notice it quite easily there. The suitable images for the magazine are also present on the contents page as well as the front cover, this is so that when readers open the contents page they also know that it is a music magazine. Related music information is also present on the contents page to help the readers know what music genre the magazine is based around, and they know what is featured. The fonts and colours that are used suit their target audience and therefore it makes it more presentable to their audience, 'Billboard' has used a big bold font for the word 'CONTENTS' and for 'NO.1' however for the other pieces of text the font is quite small, and when it is useful information the magazine have either made it bold or highlighted it by putting in blue text instead. There has been a flow of colour of the contents page, all the colours used work well together and are quite similar to one another, also some colours used for the text and presentation are the colours featured in the masthead therefore it is linked together. They have regulars and features like contents pages normally do. The features are clearly visible as they ave a title above them in bold, capital letters and the text is in black, also because the subheadings to the features are in blue text and are underlined. However for the regulars the heading 'IN EVERY ISSUE' is in bold, capital letters and the text is also in black but the regulars don't have subheadings and they aren't highlighted by being in blue text rather than black and nor are they underlined. 

*I*The magazine is called 'Billboard' and the publisher for this magazine is Prometheus Global Media and the company is called  and is based in America. It was originally founded by William H. Donaldson and James H. Hennegan in 1894.

The magazine features popular music acts and quality 'in' music and therefore may cost more than what some other music magazines might. On the contents page is two more famous acts, Lady Ga Ga and Will.I.Am, these are two well known, popular acts and are quite popular to different ages and will relate to both male and female.

The age that the magazine is aimed at is those who are working and are 20+ years as the acts featured are well known and popular however it will cost a reasonable price so therefore young adults should be able to afford it.
The magazine is aimed at both women and men as the acts featured have fan bases of both women and men.
Social ClassThe social class that would buy this magazine would be from lower middle class upwards to upper middle class as they earn enough money to be able to afford the magazine every week or month.
The contents page also connects with music, the genre that it is and the target audience. You can see that it is to do with music as there is features and regulars on music, also the main image is of a music act and there are a few other images that feature music acts. Their names aren't featured as people know who they are just by looking at them as they are so well known and may be iconic to the consumer. Also it connects to the target audience because the audience will be fans of Lady Ga Ga, Will.I.Am etc and regular consumers will be reading.

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