Thursday 7 October 2010

LIIAR analysis of a college magazine

The masthead text of this college magazine is rather basic, each letter is the same font and the overall matshead islarger than the other text on the magazine cover, this is because college magazines tend to be a bit more formal than any other magazine for example Heat and Vogue. However as this is a college magazine aimed at the students rather than the teachers, it has being presented as a fun college magazine. The masthead section looks as though it has being stuck down and the word 'WAY' in the word 'MEDWAY' looks as though it is slightly higher up than the word 'MED' and the text is informal as they have just put 'MAG' instead of the full word magazine.The masthead is also in different colours (blue and black) and one word is larger than the other (MEDWAY is bigger than MAG), as this will then attract their target audience more than a strict magazine would. The kicker (slogan) and the issue number look as though they have being ripped out of something else and stuck down just like the masthead and every other feature on the magazine, the affect of this is that the magazine looks jagged and quite 'cool' with a creative sense that will appeal to students more than a formal styled magazine would. The smaller features text are different from one another, different colours, fonts and sizes, this will be so that all the smaller features grab your attention. The font of each text seems to have been picked out intentionally so that it matches what that particular feature is about. Rather than just one main image there are a few individual pictures dotted about the cover which also gives an idea of what the cover stories are going to be about. As well as there being images of people there are a few graphic photos, for example the lightening bolt and speakers. The background of the cover is full of graphics and different colours merged together to make it as eye catching as possible for its' target audience. The institution of this college magazine is Medway College. The ideology of the 'MEDWAY MAG' is that education is important and that you can give yourself a chance and the opportunity to gain an education, and by looking at the front cover you see that it is insinuating that education is a creative aspect and it can fun its not all about being in lectures and writing essays, it is also about college being fun whilst gaining that education. The target audience of this college magazine in particular is the students of both genders and it relates to people with different interests as it has something for everyone as it goes from, 'she's in fashion' to 'defence against the dark arts' to 'chefs cook up a treat'. This college magazine is positive representation as it is for everyone with something for everyone as it has 'decks, plugs, body-pop and roll' with a picture a boy above it which would be targeted at boys, there is 'she's in fashion' with a picture of a girl which would be aimed at girls and 'chefs cook up a treat' which would be aimed at those who like to cook etc. It has a mass audience of different genders, ages (however will be students) and with different interests. It shows that eduction is fun and creative and it shows 'reality' with having people and objects etc.

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