Thursday 7 October 2010

LIIAR interpretation of the brief.

Not use of words, although it can be. How it makes it language for example masthead, teaser. The language for the magazine will vary on who it is aimed at for example if it is aimed at the teachers the text will be more formal than the text that would be used if it was for the students.

Media company, brand, management, those who produce the text, marketing and distributors.

Culture, moral, religion ideas, how the audience, institution and ideology come together. What the ideas are behind the text.

Target audience, mass audience and niche audience. There is not a single meaning there is a range of possibilities which are defined by both the text and the audience. Being that this is for a college magazine it will purely be aimed at teachers and students of all ages and genders.

Positive/negative representation. The producer VS the audience opinion. Locations/gender/religion/stereotypes e.g. hoodies. Referring to the aspects of 'reality' such as people. places, objects etc. However it depends on what the magazine is about and in this case it is about college and so for it to appeal to its' target audience it will be positive showing both the teachers and students as hard working.

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