Monday 18 October 2010

Research- College Magazine Questionnaire

I thought by producing a questionnaire for my college magazine to find out what students at Wyke College would like in their magazine, it would help me choose what to put in the magazine, present it like and find out what would attract my target audience, i also thought that this would be good research.

College Magazine Questionnaire

Please tick your answer.
How much do you think the magazine should cost?
Free                            £1.00                          £2.00+
What would you like to be included in the magazine?
Exam tips             Upcoming events          Course information

Help with H.E        Current Issues              College menu

Students’ work      Travel information          Sex education

Competition          Contacts                      Drugs & alcohol information         

NUS offers            Job opportunities           Manage free time


What Colour scheme would best suite the magazine?

Purple, green, white and blue                               Neutral colours
(Therefore it links with the website)

Different each issue                                              Other

What would be the best main image for the college magazine?

A photo of a student                        A photo of a teacher            A photo of a lesson

A photo of student’s work                College logo                        A photo of the college site

A photo of the library                      A photo of nature                 Other 

Any other suggestions

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