Thursday 21 October 2010


The following photos are the ones that i have chosen to use for my magazine.

The first two photos are both for the same article 'Work.@.Wyke.' ; I like the first one because the photo shows hard work and good use of technology. This could be related to either film/media studies and/or writing essays and researching; I like the second photo as I think it shows the creativity of the students at the college, and the college itself. Another thing is that the student is smiling which shows a happy friendly atmosphere.

I like this photo because it shows a student studying and making good use of their free time. It also shows the students and college as being hard working as it is a college magazine and education should be noted.
I think this photo will be good for my magazine as it will go well with the picture of the student studying and show the same expression of hard working, and it will apply to my article 'Study Buddy'.
 This photo will be put to good use as it connects with my article 'Party Time!' as the student is in halloween costume and it will link with what the party is for.

I like this photo because it shows the interaction between students, and because their is a male and female in this photo it will attract both male and female students. I also like this as it shows two students studying together, which shows team work and friendlyness.

This photo shows a student winning a competition, and i like it because she looks happy and it would attract other students (my target audience) as a competiton attracts readers attention.

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