Monday 18 October 2010

Research- College magazine questionnaire, results

College Magazine Questionnaire-Results

Please tick your answer.
How much do you think the magazine should cost?
Free    ||||||                    £1.00   ||||                      £2.00+

Most popular; free
What would you like to be included in the magazine?
Exam tips||||||          Upcoming events            Course information|||||| 

Help with H.E ||          Current Issues               College menu

Students’ work            Travel information||        Sex education|||||| 

Competition||||||       Contacts                       Drugs & alcohol information||          

NUS offers||||||        Job opportunities|||         Manage free time|||| 


The 5 most popular; competition, NUS offers, course information, exam tips and sex education

What Colour scheme would best suite the magazine?

Purple, green, white and blue||||                            Neutral colours
(Therefore it links with the website)

Different each issue ||                                           Other|||||| 

The most popular; other

What would be the best main image for the college magazine?

A photo of a student ||||||                     A photo of a teacher            A photo of a lesson

A photo of student’s work                       College logo||||                  A photo of the college site|||||| 

A photo of the library                              A photo of nature                 Other 

The 2 most popular; a photo of a student and a photo of the college site

Any other suggestions

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